php - PDO Insert does not work -

i have problem can not make request prepared pdo every time returns false me.

   $table = 'paroles';     $array = array(         'timestamp' => 'valeur',         'cle' => 'valeur',         'titre' => 'valeur',         'paroles' => 'valeur',         'titre_trad' => 'valeur',         'paroles_trad' => 'valeur'     );           $values = '';$datas = '';     foreach ($array $key => $value) {         $values = $values.$key.',';         $datas = $datas.':'.$key.',';     }     $values = trim($values, ',');     $datas = trim($datas, ',');           $requestconstr = 'insert '.$table.'('.$values.') values('.$datas.')';           $sth = $this->_db->prepare($requestconstr);           foreach ($array $key => $value) {         $sth->bindvalue(':'.$key, $value);     }           if($sth->execute()){         return true;     }else return false;      // pdostatement object ( [querystring] => insert paroles(timestamp,cle,titre,paroles,titre_trad,paroles_trad) values(:timestamp,:cle,:titre,:paroles,:titre_trad,:paroles_trad) ) 

it looks building query properly, regardless, cleaner way it, , check @ end should give more information on going wrong:

$params = array_map(function($item) { return ":" . $item; }, array_keys($array)); $placeholders = implode(",", $params); $columns = implode(",", array_keys($array));  $sql = "insert {$table} ({$columns}) values ({$placeholders})";  $bind = array_combine($params, array_values($array)); $sth = $this->_db->prepare($sql); if ($sth->execute($bind)) {     return true; } else {     die(print_r($this->_db->errorinfo(), true)); } 


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