python - statsmodels Hide output -

it seems whenever run, stdout kalman filter:

## -- end pasted text -- running l-bfgs-b code             * * *  machine precision = 2.220d-16  n =            1     m =           12  problem unconstrained.  @ x0         0 variables @ bounds  @ iterate    0    f=  5.60459d-01    |proj g|=  2.22045d-08             * * *  tit   = total number of iterations tnf   = total number of function evaluations tnint = total number of segments explored during cauchy searches skip  = number of bfgs updates skipped nact  = number of active bounds @ final generalized cauchy point projg = norm of final projected gradient f     = final function value             * * *     n    tit     tnf  tnint  skip  nact     projg        f     1      1      3      1     0     0   0.000d+00   5.605d-01   f =  0.560459405131994  convergence: norm_of_projected_gradient_<=_pgtol   cauchy                time 0.000e+00 seconds.  subspace minimization time 0.000e+00 seconds.  line search           time 0.000e+00 seconds.   total user time 0.000e+00 seconds. 

there doesn't seem obvious parameter pass fit hide output. how hide output?

from @user333700's comment, use: 

the documentation (for version says:

disp : bool, optional

if true, convergence information printed. default l_bfgs_b solver, disp controls frequency of output during iterations. disp < 0 means no output in case.


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