Previous Row data Using KendoUi MVC Grid - Razor-C# -

i have grid (razor-c#) containing multiple columns/rows , there column named profit/loss .for every row need check previous row data profit/loss column , make calculation put values in current row profit/loss column


html.kendo().grid(model.accounthistory).name("history").columns(c =>  {        c.bound(p => p.datetimecalculated).format("{0:dd-mm-yyyy}");      c.bound("").clienttemplate("#= purchasecriteria(data) #").title(" ");      c.bound(p => p.numcontracts).clienttemplate("#= moneyformat(numcontdfracts) #");      c.bound(p => p.entityid);      c.bound(p => p.leagueid);      c.bound("")          .clienttemplate("#= setseasonyear(data) #")          .sortable(false)          .title("year");       c.bound("")          .clienttemplate("#= setseason(data) #")          .sortable(false)          .title("season");      c.bound(p => p.contractmeasurable);      c.bound(p => p.price).clienttemplate("#= moneyformat_at(ddede) #");      c.bound(p => p.profitorloss).clienttemplate("#= moneyformat(profitorloss) #");      c.bound(p => p.cashbalance).clienttemplate("#= moneyformat_diff(cashbalance) #");   }).datasource( d => d     .ajax()     .serveroperation(false)  ) .pageable() .sortable() .resizable(resizing => resizing.columns(true))         ) 


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