filemaker - XPath to parse eCFR XML using attributes and nodes -

this question has been edited make things bit clearer.

i attempting pull data out of electronic code of federal regulations xml feed ( , having trouble.

specifically, i'd grab data matched combination of node , attribute. in following snippet of xml, can see of text i'd grab. obtain data each fp node attribute fp-2 present. grab data each fp node having attribute fp-1.

<appendix>                <ear>pt. 774, supp. 1</ear>                <hd source="hed">supplement no. 1 part 774—the commerce control list</hd>                <hd source="hd1">category 0—nuclear materials, facilities, , equipment [and miscellaneous items]</hd>                <hd source="hd1">a. “end items,” “equipment,” “accessories,” “attachments,” “parts,” “components,” , “systems”</hd>                <fp source="fp-2">                  <e t="02">0a002power generating or propulsion equipment “specially designed” use space, marine or mobile “nuclear reactors”. (these items “subject itar.” see 22 cfr parts 120 through 130.)</e>                </fp>                                <fp source="fp-2">                  <e t="02">0a018items on wassenaar munitions list (see list of items controlled).</e>                </fp>                <fp source="fp-1">                  <e t="04">license requirements</e>                </fp>                <fp source="fp-1">                  <e t="03">reason control:</e> ns, at, un</fp>                <gpotable cdef="s50,r50" cols="2" opts="l2">                  <boxhd>                    <ched h="1">control(s)</ched>                    <ched h="1">country chart (see supp. no. 1 part 738)</ched>                  </boxhd>                  <row>                    <ent i="01">ns applies entire entry</ent>                    <ent>ns column 1.</ent>                  </row>                  <row>                    <ent i="01">at applies entire entry</ent>                    <ent>at column 1.</ent>                  </row>                  <row>                    <ent i="01">un applies entire entry</ent>                    <ent>see § 746.1(b) un controls.</ent>                  </row>                </gpotable>                <fp source="fp-1">                  <e t="05">list based license exceptions (see part 740 description of license exceptions)</e>                </fp>                <fp source="fp-1">                  <e t="03">lvs:</e> $3,000 0a018.b</fp>                <fp source="fp-1">$1,500 0a018.c , .d</fp>                <fp source="fp-1">                  <e t="03">gbs:</e> n/a</fp>                <fp source="fp-1">                  <e t="03">civ:</e> n/a</fp>                <fp source="fp-1">                  <e t="04">list of items controlled</e>                </fp>                <fp source="fp-1">                  <e t="03">related controls:</e> (1) see 0a979, 0a988, , 22 cfr 121.1 categories i(a), iii(b-d), , x(a). (2) see eccn 0a617.y.1 , .y.2 items formerly controlled eccn 0a018.a. (3) see eccn 1a613.c military helmets providing less nij type iv protection , eccn 1a613.y.1 conventional military steel helmets that, prior july 1, 2014, classified under 0a018.d , 0a988. (4) see 22 cfr 121.1 category x(a)(5) , (a)(6) controls on other military helmets.</fp>                <fp source="fp-1">                  <e t="03">related definitions:</e> n/a</fp>                <fp>                  <e t="03">items:</e> a. [reserved]</fp>                <p>b. “specially designed” components , parts ammunition, except cartridge cases, powder bags, bullets, jackets, cores, shells, projectiles, boosters, fuses , components, primers, , other detonating devices , ammunition belting , linking machines (all of “subject itar.” (see 22 cfr parts 120 through 130);</p>                <note>                  <hd source="hed">                    <e t="03">note:</e>                  </hd>                  <p>                    <e t="03">0a018.b not apply “components” “specially designed” blank or dummy ammunition follows:</e>                  </p>                  <p>                    <e t="03">a. ammunition crimped without projectile (blank star);</e>                  </p>   </appendix>

to complicate matters, i'm trying pull data filemaker, upon edit, i'll stick simple xsl.

the following xsl grabs of fp nodes without differentiation.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>  <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">  <xsl:template match="/">  <xsl:for-each select="//fp">  <xsl:value-of select="."/>  </xsl:for-each>  </xsl:template>  </xsl:stylesheet>

modifying match on xsl:template match="fp[@source='fp-1'] allows me make necessary match based on attribute, i'm still not clear on how capture data need. thoughts?

a few things:

  1. your xslt not xslt format
  2. in xpath, reference attribute (i.e., source), must prefixed @.
  3. finally, there many fp1s , fp2s setup choose first instances.

consider following xslt:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0"> <xsl:output version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"/>  <xsl:template match="/">    <fmpxmlresult xmlns="">      <metadata>         <field name="eccnfp_2" type="text"/>     <field name="eccnfp_1" type="text"/>     </metadata>      <resultset>      <xsl:for-each select="//fp[@source = 'fp-2']/e[@t='02']">     <row>         <col>             <data><xsl:value-of select="substring(.,1,5)"/></data>         </col>     </row>     </xsl:for-each>          <xsl:for-each select="//fp[@source = 'fp-1']/e[@t='02']">     <row>         <col>             <data><xsl:value-of select="substring(.,1,5)"/></data>         </col>     </row>     </xsl:for-each>              </resultset> </fmpxmlresult>  </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> 

which output:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <fmpxmlresult xmlns="">   <metadata>     <field name="eccnfp_2" type="text"/>     <field name="eccnfp_1" type="text"/>   </metadata>   <resultset>     <row>       <col>         <data>0a002</data>       </col>     </row>     <row>       <col>         <data>0a018</data>       </col>     </row>   </resultset> </fmpxmlresult> 

and partial output of full web link xml:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <fmpxmlresult xmlns="">   <metadata>     <field name="eccnfp_2" type="text"/>     <field name="eccnfp_1" type="text"/>   </metadata>   <resultset>     <row>       <col>         <data>2a000</data>       </col>     </row>     <row>       <col>         <data>0a002</data>       </col>     </row>     <row>       <col>         <data>0a018</data>       </col>     </row>     <row>       <col>         <data>0a521</data>       </col>     </row>     <row>       <col>         <data>0a604</data>       </col>     </row>     <row>       <col>         <data>0a606</data>       </col>     </row>     ... 

in fact, point xslt processor gpo link , fp1s , fp2s output. did python! close 3,000 lines!


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