how to list all pdf files in my android device -

i found code how images.

can tell me how can .pdf files in internal storage , external storage?

final string[] columns = {, };     final string orderby =;     //stores images gallery in cursor     cursor cursor = getcontentresolver().query(   , columns, null,             null, orderby);     //total number of images     int count = cursor.getcount();      //create array store path images     string[] arrpath = new string[count];      (int = 0; < count; i++) {         cursor.movetoposition(i);         int datacolumnindex = cursor.getcolumnindex(;         //store path of image         arrpath[i]= cursor.getstring(datacolumnindex);         log.i("path", arrpath[i]);     }  

possible solution can go every folder , check if .pdf exists or not if yes can whaterver want file

public void search_dir(file dir) {   string pdfpattern = ".pdf";  file filelist[] = dir.listfiles();  if (filelist != null) {     (int = 0; < filelist.length; i++) {          if (filelist[i].isdirectory()) {             search_dir(filelist[i]);         } else {           if (filelist[i].getname().endswith(pdfpattern)){                               //here have file.            }         }     }   }     } 

and function call be



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