bonjour - How to get MACaddress using Android - jmdns -
i need mac-address of particular device.i'm using android - jmdns service scan devices , ip-address need mac-address of particular device.can mac-address while getting ip-address using android - jmdns service or other way mac-address ip-address?
you need permission in androidmanifest.xml
// androidmanifest.xml permissions <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.access_wifi_state"></uses-permission> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.update_device_stats"></uses-permission> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.change_wifi_state"></uses-permission>
you can try fist solution
wifimanager wifimanager = (wifimanager) this.getsystemservice(context.wifi_service); if(wifimanager.iswifienabled()) { // wifi enabled. grab mac address here wifiinfo info = wifimanager.getconnectioninfo(); string address = info.getmacaddress(); } else { // enable wifi first wifimanager.setwifienabled(true); // wifi enabled. grab mac address here wifiinfo info = wifimanager.getconnectioninfo(); string address = info.getmacaddress(); }
or second one:
// test functions utils.getmacaddress("wlan0"); utils.getmacaddress("eth0"); utils.getipaddress(true); // ipv4 utils.getipaddress(false); // ipv6
import*; import*; import java.util.*; import org.apache.http.conn.util.inetaddressutils; public class utils { /** * convert byte array hex string * @param bytes * @return */ public static string bytestohex(byte[] bytes) { stringbuilder sbuf = new stringbuilder(); for(int idx=0; idx < bytes.length; idx++) { int intval = bytes[idx] & 0xff; if (intval < 0x10) sbuf.append("0"); sbuf.append(integer.tohexstring(intval).touppercase()); } return sbuf.tostring(); } /** * utf8 byte array. * @param str * @return array of null if error found */ public static byte[] getutf8bytes(string str) { try { return str.getbytes("utf-8"); } catch (exception ex) { return null; } } /** * load utf8withbom or ansi text file. * @param filename * @return * @throws */ public static string loadfileasstring(string filename) throws { final int buflen=1024; bufferedinputstream = new bufferedinputstream(new fileinputstream(filename), buflen); try { bytearrayoutputstream baos = new bytearrayoutputstream(buflen); byte[] bytes = new byte[buflen]; boolean isutf8=false; int read,count=0; while(( != -1) { if (count==0 && bytes[0]==(byte)0xef && bytes[1]==(byte)0xbb && bytes[2]==(byte)0xbf ) { isutf8=true; baos.write(bytes, 3, read-3); // drop utf8 bom marker } else { baos.write(bytes, 0, read); } count+=read; } return isutf8 ? new string(baos.tobytearray(), "utf-8") : new string(baos.tobytearray()); } { try{ is.close(); } catch(exception ex){} } } /** * returns mac address of given interface name. * @param interfacename eth0, wlan0 or null=use first interface * @return mac address or empty string */ public static string getmacaddress(string interfacename) { try { list<networkinterface> interfaces = collections.list(networkinterface.getnetworkinterfaces()); (networkinterface intf : interfaces) { if (interfacename != null) { if (!intf.getname().equalsignorecase(interfacename)) continue; } byte[] mac = intf.gethardwareaddress(); if (mac==null) return ""; stringbuilder buf = new stringbuilder(); (int idx=0; idx<mac.length; idx++) buf.append(string.format("%02x:", mac[idx])); if (buf.length()>0) buf.deletecharat(buf.length()-1); return buf.tostring(); } } catch (exception ex) { } // eat exceptions return ""; /*try { // linux hack return loadfileasstring("/sys/class/net/" +interfacename + "/address").touppercase().trim(); } catch (ioexception ex) { return null; }*/ } /** * ip address first non-localhost interface * @param ipv4 true=return ipv4, false=return ipv6 * @return address or empty string */ public static string getipaddress(boolean useipv4) { try { list<networkinterface> interfaces = collections.list(networkinterface.getnetworkinterfaces()); (networkinterface intf : interfaces) { list<inetaddress> addrs = collections.list(intf.getinetaddresses()); (inetaddress addr : addrs) { if (!addr.isloopbackaddress()) { string saddr = addr.gethostaddress().touppercase(); boolean isipv4 = inetaddressutils.isipv4address(saddr); if (useipv4) { if (isipv4) return saddr; } else { if (!isipv4) { int delim = saddr.indexof('%'); // drop ip6 port suffix return delim<0 ? saddr : saddr.substring(0, delim); } } } } } } catch (exception ex) { } // eat exceptions return ""; } }
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