python - Writer.add_document() function error Whoosh - mysql loop -

i'm trying index large amount of articles db encoded in latin1. i've solved encoding issue charset, not able add index each row.

i've tried : 1)

writer.add_document(id = unicode(row["id"]),body = unicode(row["body"]), name = unicode(row["name"]), brand = unicode(row["brand"]), familia = unicode(row["familia"]))     

this indexes docs not respects index labels.



this reports add_document() takes 1 argument (2 given) error

here full code:

# open writer index ix.writer() writer:  con= mdb.connect(host="myhost",                       user="myuser",                       passwd="pass",                       db="db",                       charset="utf8",                       use_unicode=true) con:      cur = con.cursor(mdb.cursors.dictcursor)     #cur.execute("select  id, body, name, brand, familia articles")     rows = cur.fetchall()     row in rows:         print row         doc6 = row["brand"]         doc2 = row["name"]         print doc2         print 'body'         doc3 = row["body"].replace("á", "a")         doc3 = doc3.replace("é", "e")         doc3 = doc3.replace("í", "i")         doc3 = doc3.replace("ó", "o")         doc3 = doc3.replace("ú", "u")         doc3 = doc3.replace("ñ", "n")         doc3 = doc3.replace(""", "")         print doc3         print 'familia'         doc4 = row["familia"]         print doc4         print 'id'         doc5 = row["id"]         print doc5          writer.add_document(id = unicode(row["id"]),body = unicode(row["body"]), name = unicode(row["name"]), brand = unicode(row["brand"]), familia = unicode(row["familia"]))        #        # doc = unicode(doc5),unicode(doc3), unicode(doc2), unicode(doc6), unicode(doc4)        # writer.add_document(doc) #reports add_document() takes 1 argument (2 given) error        #writer.add_document(id = unicode(doc5),body = unicode(doc3), name = unicode(doc2), brand = unicode(doc6), familia = unicode(doc4))   numdocs = ix.doc_count_all() print "docs indexed =", numdocs 

thank in advance!

solved way:

with con:     cur = con.cursor(mdb.cursors.dictcursor)    #cur.execute("select  id, body, name, brand, familia articles")    rows = cur.fetchall()    row in rows:          #print row          row["body"]= row["body"].replace("á", "a")          row["body"]= row["body"].replace("é", "e")          row["body"]= row["body"].replace("í", "i")          row["body"]= row["body"].replace("ó", "o")          row["body"]= row["body"].replace("ú", "u")          row["body"]= row["body"].replace("ñ", "n")          row["body"]= row["body"].replace(""", "")           writer.add_document(id=unicode(row["id"]),                         body=unicode(row["body"]),                         name=unicode(row["name"]),                         brand=unicode(row["brand"]),                         familia=unicode(row["familia"]),                         relevancia=row["relevancia"])  numdocs = ix.doc_count_all() print "docs indexed =", numdocs 

special thank whoosh team patient , kindly solve doubts.


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