ios - Understanding boldSystemFontOfSize: -

i'd know why bold font isn't bold in app? tried setting label in interface builder system-bold font didn't bold. started investigating , found font label using .helveticaneueinterface-mediump4 weight of bold. looks medium instead of bold. went , tried setting font in code bold using boldsystemfontofsize: , font returned again wrong.

so calling boldsystemfontofsize return medium font.

nslog(@"%@", [uifont boldsystemfontofsize:24]); <uictfont: 0x7f9ed0f4f380> font-family: ".helveticaneueinterface-mediump4"; font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; font-size: 24.00pt 

is bug in uifont? or problem here?

there no problem. works intended.

these methods return fonts appropriate operating system using. "bold" doesn't mean "bold", means "bold in comparison other user interface elements". when apple decides change way text in ios or macos x looks, don't have change code. in ios 7 , 8 fonts tend rather slim, when ask bold, medium match overall theme.


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