itunesconnect - Is there a limit to how often you can upload builds to TestFlight? -
how can upload build per hour?
will apple block me sending many builds?
we use fastlane automate tf uploading, , our build server went crazy , kept building , uploading on weekend. @ point builds started failing error:
[15:33:20]: [31m[transporter error output]: error itms-90382: "upload limit reached. upload limit application has been reached. please wait 1 day , try again." [0m [15:33:20]: [31mtransporter transfer failed.[0m [15:33:20]: [33m[0m [15:33:20]: [31merror itms-90382: "upload limit reached. upload limit application has been reached. please wait 1 day , try again." [0m [15:33:20]: [31merror itms-90382: "upload limit reached. upload limit application has been reached. please wait 1 day , try again." return status of itunes transporter 1: error itms-90382: "upload limit reached. upload limit application has been reached. please wait 1 day , try again.
it looks got banned after ~20 uploads, though i'm pretty sure have had more on course of day. 20 uploads in less 2 hours, maybe triggered it.
i don't think you're going able hit if you're individual dev doing manual uploads. we've used fastlane ci while , had problem when recent problem happened.
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