sonatype - Nexus artifact delete command -

i have uploaded artifact sonatype nexus command line using maven/maven/bin/mvn -x -e deploy:deploy-file -durl= -drepositoryid=xyz -dgroupid=com.kumar -dartifactid=peshu -dversion=1.0.12 -dpackaging=war -dfile=right.war

now delete version (1.0.12) command line can automate process, command can use instead of curl.

short anwser:

curl --request delete --write "%{http_code} %{url_effective}\\n" --user login:password --output /dev/null --silent

this delete hole gav nexus.


  • the --write "%{http_code} %{url_effective}\\n option return http code , effective url used; idem --output /dev/null --silent hide verbose informations on output,...
  • i not quite sure, think need user login admin rights on nexus.


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