java - How to prvent Xtend templates from printing Variables during loop -

i using xtend templates write small program. try using if statement, every time execute it prints variable in console, dont want to.

  «if x==y»     jump value «database.get(2)»     «jump_var_letter = string.charat(1)»     «old_jump_ahd=database.get(2) »   «endif»    

here database array of integers , string array of letters. here want print value found @ database.get(2) i.e 5. last 2 expressions befor endif meant assignning few values( need not printed)

 jump value 5 

instead get

 jump value 5   d   5 

could please tell me how stop printing other 2 values. thank in advance help..

after looking sometime on net found prevent printing of expreesions in between using block expressions , returning null expression. (although method not encouraged, found provides me result wanted). expression posted written as:

«if x==y»       jump value «database.get(2)»       «{jump_var_letter = string.charat(1); "" }»       «{old_jump_ahd=database.get(2); ""} » «endif»  

this prints

  jump value 5. 


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