Upgrading Authorize.net to Akamai -

authorize.net upgrading access internet connections serve our data centers. instead of allowing direct connections, internet traffic routed through akamai, third-party cloud network service routes , delivers internet traffic.

the new akamai transaction urls available are:




how go upgrading current system use these?

require_once 'anet_php_sdk/authorizenet.php';      define("authorizenet_api_login_id", $authlogin);     define("authorizenet_transaction_key", $authkey);     //set true test account, set false real account     define("authorizenet_sandbox", false);     $sale = new authorizenetaim;     $sale->amount = $rate;     $sale->card_num = $ccnumber;     $sale->exp_date = $ccexpire;     $sale->card_code = $cccvv;     $response = $sale->authorizeonly();     //if approved, use getting transaction id.     if ($response->approved) {         $transaction_id = $response->transaction_id;       require_once 'anet_php_sdk/authorizenet.php';     define("authorizenet_api_login_id", $authlogin);     define("authorizenet_transaction_key", $authkey);     $subscription                          = new authorizenet_subscription;     $subscription->name                    = "monitoring";     $subscription->intervallength          = "1";     $subscription->intervalunit            = "months";     $subscription->startdate               = $substartdate;     $subscription->totaloccurrences        = "9999";     $subscription->amount                  = $rate;     $subscription->creditcardcardnumber    = $ccnumber;     $subscription->creditcardexpirationdate= $ccexpire;     $subscription->creditcardcardcode      = $cccvv;     $subscription->billtofirstname         = $firstname;     $subscription->billtolastname          = $lastname;      $request = new authorizenetarb;     $response = $request->createsubscription($subscription);     $subscription_id = $response->getsubscriptionid(); 

version 1.8.5 of authorize.net sdks support new akamai endpoints. can obtain them here: https://github.com/authorizenet


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