jquery - Time To Percent Using PHP -

this may sound dumb question, how can convert time between 2 dates percent?

i using jquery plugin: http://tinacious.github.io/goalprogress/

the script on page calculates percent is:

$('#timergoal').goalprogress({                     goalamount: 100,                     currentamount: 40,                     textbefore: '',                     textafter: '% completed.'                 }); 

where says goalamount: i'd remain @ 100, says currentamount: 40, i'd somehow find difference in percentage between 2 days, know i'd have set start date, current date, , end date find percentage.

i'm part of code have be:

$startdate = '01/01/2015 12:00:00'; $currentdate = date('d/m/y h:i:s'); $enddate = '02/15/2015 12:00:00'; 

finding difference in 2 dates easy, it's third date thing cannot grasp, make percentage.

any ideas?

i thinking along lines of:

[taken from: how find difference in days between 2 dates ]

$daylen = 60*60*24;     $date1 = '2010-03-29';    $date2 = '2009-07-16';     echo (strtotime($date1)-strtotime($date2))/$daylen; 

but read on 2 dates not three.

here i've come with. it's not calculating percentages yet, it's possibly go off of:

$startdate = '08/01/2015 12:00:00'; $currentdate = date('d/m/y h:i:s'); $enddate = '09/01/2015 12:00:00';  $startdate =str_replace(array(':', '/', ' '), '', $startdate); $currentdate =str_replace(array(':', '/', ' '), '', $currentdate); $enddate =str_replace(array(':', '/', ''), ' ', $enddate);  $mainpercent = $enddate - $startdate;  $actualpercent = $enddate - $currentdate;  $displaypercent =  $actualpercent/$mainpercent * 100;  echo $displaypercent; 

with todays date being 08/07/2015 getting 901.2015119993 not percent, it's start.

working solution:

$startdate = strtotime('08/01/2015 12:00:00'); $currentdate = time(date('d/m/y h:i:s')); $enddate = strtotime('09/15/2015 12:00:00');  $datedivideby = $enddate - $startdate; $datedivide = $currentdate - $startdate;  $divideproduct = $datedivide / $datedivideby;  $datepercent = round($divideproduct * 100);  echo $datepercent; 

with working code , todays date being 08/07/2015 value of $datepercent 14.

the difference between 2 times, itself, can't converted percentage. it's period of time. in order figure out percentage complete, need know how long entire goal supposed take (an estimated time, assume.) can figure out percentage this:

elapsedtime / totaltime * 100 

the total time end date - start date, , elapsed time now - start date.

rather using string functions manipulate dates, better use datetime functions.

$startdate = '08/01/2015 12:00:00'; $enddate = '09/01/2015 12:00:00';  $startdate = new datetime($startdate); $currentdate = new datetime(); // defaults $enddate = new datetime($enddate);  $totaltime = $enddate->diff($startdate)->format('%a'); $elapsedtime = $currentdate->diff($startdate)->format('%a'); // diff returns dateinterval object; calling format method  // %a returns number of days in interval  $percent = ($elapsedtime / $totaltime) * 100; 


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