export - Send text to non-active window via autohotkey -

for project need program exports text or spreadsheet data other programs word, excel, notepad, etc.. user set cursor in application wants export to, clicks in program on "export", start autohotkey .exe. figured out how window of other application, not how send data.

here current code:

winget, id, list  window_id := id3 ;id2 = current program, id3 = program behind (we want send data here) controlsendraw, , myexportdatahere, ahk_id %window_id% ;<-------- doesnt work  ;~ ///////////// works, ugly because of popup: ;~ window_id := id3 ;~ winactivate, ahk_id %window_id% ;~ sendraw myexportdatahere ;~ window_id := id2 ;~ winactivate, ahk_id %window_id% 

use first parameter of controlsendraw specify control this: http://lexikos.github.io/v2/docs/commands/controlsend.htm#function_syntax


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