amazon web services - Solr drops/deletes all old documents while reindexing -

version: solr 4.1

problem statement:

  1. solr delete/drops old documents when click on full-import od data import handler. after full import complete, every thing works fine.

  2. help me understand jvm values attached image, trying connect issue.

as per understanding solr not delete/drop old documents till new documents imported fully. in case drops old documents while new documents partially imported.


  1. we using solr cloud single shard , 2 replica. s1-r1--------s1-r2
  2. using amazon load balancer balance hit on each of them.
  3. both of solr attached 3 zookepers.
  4. memory allocation: java_opts="$java_opts -xms8192m -xmx12288m -xx:permsize=3072m -xx:maxpermsize=8192m -xss4m"

  5. the solr admin panel showing:

    • physical memory 98.2%
    • swap space 0.0%
    • file descriptor count 0.2%
    • jvm-memory 34.3%

solr admin panel jvm info

  1. solr delete/drops old documents when click on full-import of data import handler. after full import complete, every thing works fine.

-- ask clean = true, clean : (default 'true'). tells whether clean index before indexing started.

with dih first issues "delete all" update query. start adding new documents. after compltes/finish, dih issues commit, enforce new documents added , delete old documents existed before indexing started.

you can choose optimize expensive operation.

optimize : (default 'true' solr 3.6, 'false' afterwards). tells whether optimize after operation.) please note: can expensive operation , not make sense delta-imports.


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