hardware - Process syncronization VHDL -
since in vhdl process collection of sequential statements , if write more 1 process these ones executed concurrently possible sync. them?
as example
architeture my_arch_is of my_entity begin proc_1 : process(...) begin -- code end process; proc_2 : process(...) begin -- code end process; proc_3 : process(...) begin -- code end process; end architecture;
what achieve following, process 1 kind of selector (i.e. assigns bit under specific event) process 2 , 3 instead compute in parallel 2 possible result, compute selector , both results , using vhdl construct "if selector 0 take result of process 2, otherwise take result of process 3", multiplexer.
is possible (if make sense of course)?
yes, possible. , if use example, conditional statement selecting 1 of 2 results, given bit value provided process 1, synthesized multiplexer.
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