matlab - For each vector of the cell A, How to find all possible combinations of its components that are not contained in vectors of the cell B? -
for each vector of cell a
, how find possible combinations of components not contained in vectors of cell b
= {[2 3 6 21],[66 4 2 7],[84 56 66 47 45]}; b = {[5 6 9 20 21],[7 85 14 2 3],[5 66 84 10 23 35 56],[5 6 87 14 21 29]};
for a{1}
, possible combinations satisfy condition:
{[2 6],[2 21],[3 6],[3 21],[2 6 21],[2 3 6],[2 3 21],[3 6 21],[2 3 6 21]}
[2 3]
contained in b{2}
[6 21]
contained in b{1}
try this:
c = cell(1, numel(a)); ii = 1:numel(a) aux = arrayfun(@(x) num2cell(nchoosek(a{ii}, x), 2)', 1:numel(a{ii}), 'un', 0); aux = [aux{:}]; c{ii} = aux(~cellfun(@(a) any(cellfun(@(b) all(ismember(a, b)), b)), aux)); end
the result in c
. run celldisp(c{1})
see result a{1}
, example.
this code takes every vector in a
, find possible combinations using nchoosek. then, checks if combination has values contained on vector of b
, returning remaining combinations ont in b
, putting them c
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