java - How to update JTextfield after click SAVE button -

i have main frame : jframe>contentframe>scrollpane>bigpanel>panel_1t

private jpanel contentpane; private jpanel bigpanel; private jpanel panel_1t; 

in panel_1t, have put food button actionlistener:

jbutton button_19 = new jbutton("food"); button_19.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() {     public void actionperformed(actionevent ae) {              newfoodui nf = new newfoodui();//open other class             nf.setvisible(true);             nf.setdefaultcloseoperation(windowconstants.dispose_on_close);                                                         }                                                }); panel_1t.setlayout(new gridlayout(0, 2, 0, 0)); panel_1t.add(button_19); 

when user click food button, new jframe in newfoodui class shown.: jframe>contentpane>panel>tabbedpane>panel_3>panel_5

in panel_5, put jtextfield:

public static jtextfield textfield_3;  textfield_3 = new jtextfield(); panel_5.add(textfield_3, "9, 4, fill, default"); textfield_3.setcolumns(10); 

user write text textfield_3. user click save button in panel_3, perform this:

jbutton button_4 = new jbutton("save"); button_4.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() {         public void actionperformed(actionevent e) {                  setcontentpane(contentpane);                 panel_3.revalidate();                 panel_3.repaint();                 panel_3.updateui();                  panel_5.revalidate();                 panel_5.repaint();                 panel_5.updateui();                   contentpane.revalidate();                 contentpane.repaint();              joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null, "saved !");          }     });     button_4.setbounds(873, 396, 75, 33);     contentpane.add(button_4); } 

the result is, when click save button , close frame in newfoodui, reopen click food button check whether text wrote has been saved or not. not saving text wrote.

you have save value textfeld textfield_3.gettext() , set value manually textfeld when showing textfield_3.settext(value). have keep value in project or store persistent somewhere.


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