r - Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) in apply(boxcox) -
i have matrix of 650 columns , each column want find optimal lambda boxcox transformation. want use function boxcox mass package, outputs 2 lists: $x$ list of possible lambdas, $y$ list of log-likelihood values given lambdas. optimal lambda 1 scores highest likelihood.
i thought following piece of code work:
library(mass) optimal.lambda1 <- apply(mymatrix, 2, function (d) { boxcoxlist <- boxcox(lm(d~1), lambda=seq(-5,5,by=.1), plotit=f) p <- boxcoxlist$x[which.max(boxcoxlist$y)] return(p) } )
unfortunately same error:
error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'd' not found
a similar error occours if try lapply version of it:
library(mass) optimal.lambda1 <- lapply(1:ncol(mymatrix), function (d) { boxcoxlist <- boxcox(lm(mymatrix[,d]~1), lambda=seq(-5,5,by=.1), plotit=f) p <- boxcoxlist$x[which.max(boxcoxlist$y)] return(p) } )
also, tried isolate object function
optimal.lambda2 <- function (d) { boxcoxlist <- boxcox(lm(d~1), lambda=seq(-5,5,by=.1), plotit=f) p <- boxcoxlist$x[which.max(boxcoxlist$y)] return(p) }
and use argument of (l)apply, second function alone returns error too; i.e., following command alone returns same error:
any suggestion how make work?
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