bash - Linux reverse sorting giving wrong results -

i have data of following format:

 diplomat 9.35003521034e-07  golden 0.0  projection 5.75975635192e-06  harvey 9.25224016662e-08  omelianchuk 8.77038876791e-08  stern 6.23335680688e-08  insecurity 0.0  century 0.000814828405418  karadzic 0.0  vernon 5.56509185654e-08  music 0.0  therefore 0.000486949687357  diabetes 0.0  yahoo 0.0  meteorologist 6.80717342684e-08  aynsley-green 0.0  intake 0.0  morally 0.0  locker 0.0  colombia 0.0  mahela 1.08371146396e-07 

i want sort data according values in second column. used linux command

 sort -r -g -t $'\t' -k2,2 

i used -g generic sorting. still not giving me correct output. getting result out of order.

the output got was:

yahoo 0.0 vernon 5.56509185654e-08 therefore 0.000486949687357 stern 6.23335680688e-08  projection 5.75975635192e-06 omelianchuk 8.77038876791e-08 music 0.0 morally 0.0 meteorologist 6.80717342684e-08 mahela 1.08371146396e-07 locker 0.0 karadzic 0.0 intake 0.0 insecurity 0.0 harvey 9.25224016662e-08 golden 0.0 diplomat 9.35003521034e-07 diabetes 0.0 colombia 0.0 century 0.000814828405418 aynsley-green 0.0 

i tried multiplying values 10 following 7 zeros , sorting, still didn't work.

awk '{print $2*100000000}' infile 

how can fix this? please help!

tried sort data with

sort -r -g -t' ' -k3,3 

and output looks fine me. separator space. , there space @ beginning of each line, number third column.

i got output

 century 0.000814828405418  therefore 0.000486949687357  projection 5.75975635192e-06  diplomat 9.35003521034e-07  mahela 1.08371146396e-07  harvey 9.25224016662e-08  omelianchuk 8.77038876791e-08  meteorologist 6.80717342684e-08  stern 6.23335680688e-08  vernon 5.56509185654e-08  yahoo 0.0  music 0.0  morally 0.0  locker 0.0  karadzic 0.0  intake 0.0  insecurity 0.0  golden 0.0  diabetes 0.0  colombia 0.0  aynsley-green 0.0 


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