How to send Date object from flex to Java Restful Webservice using JSON -

i getting problem while sending date flex java webservices

i selecting date datefield , assigning dob field

var dob :date = datefield.selecteddate; 

when convert date object json , resulting in json object below not being accepted restfull webservice in java.


please me out in solving problem. in advance.

have u tried jodadatetime, use in project , works good. have send date in ("2015-09-10t01:19:42-06") format. jodadatime conevert date , time in millisecond.


  string inputdate = "2015-09-10t01:19:42-06";     //jodatime     datetime dt = datetime.parse(inputdate);     date jdkdate = dt.todate();     if(dt.tostring().endswith("z")) {         string dateformat = dt.tostring();         dateformat = dateformat.substring(0, dateformat.length()-1) + "+0:00";         system.out.println(dateformat);         system.out.println("==========================================");     }          system.out.println(dt.tostring()); 


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