html - Chrome Extension interacting with page styling (Bootstrap container missing left padding) -

i have following problem in page (which uses bootstrap), notice on official bootstrap examples: ( )

even though .container class has:

.container {     padding-right: 15px;     padding-left: 15px;     margin-right: auto;     margin-left: auto; } 

15 pixels of left , right padding, in reality, reason can't pinpoint, left padding seems halved.

in case, set

$grid-gutter-width: 15px; 

the padding-left of container, though reported "7.5px" correct, seems 0.

enter image description here

enter image description here

that strange... in works fine. when disable it, works correctly aswell.

the think saw, cutting part of browser. see yellow rectangle contains div.container 345px x 3427px


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