html - Pseudo element affecting outline -

this question has answer here:

pretty sure bug firefox, perhaps can weigh in.

i applying outline around 100x100 box. when use pseudo element positioned absolute should remove document flow, appears still affecting flow of outline property. ie , chrome appear render expect, black outline stays positioned main element. ideas?

enter image description here

.content  {    width:100px;    height:100px;    outline:1px solid black;    border:1px solid yellow;    position:relative;  }    .content:after  {    position:absolute;    content:'pseudo';    background-color:salmon;    width:200px;    top:150px;  }
<div class='content'></div>,css,output

you can change outline style box-shadow:

outline:1px solid black; 


box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 1px black; 


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