python - Error Handling in Tornado -

i'm new tornado , writing basic application need add error handling. below code.

import tornado.httpserver import tornado.ioloop import tornado.options import tornado.web  tornado import gen tornado.web import asynchronous tornado.options import define, options  define("port", default=8888, help="run on given port", type=int)  class application(tornado.web.application):     def __init__(self):         handlers = [             (r"/", homehandler),             (r"/mycompany", mycustomhandler),             (r"/mycompany/", mycustomhandler),         ]         super(application, self).__init__(handlers)  class homehandler(tornado.web.requesthandler):         def get(self):                 self.render("home.html")  class mycustom(tornado.web.requesthandler):         def get(self):                 self.write("processing....")                 self.clear()                 self.finish()  def main():     tornado.options.parse_command_line()     http_server = tornado.httpserver.httpserver(application())     http_server.listen(options.port)     tornado.ioloop.ioloop.current().start()  if __name__ == "__main__":     main() 

the home.html works fine.

next, users pass parameters using format http://host:port/mycompany/?id=9999.

but want display 404 page when enters *host:port/blahblah or *host:port/mycompany/?something=9999. how go doing that? thanks.

to use custom error page unknown urls, use default_handler_class argument application(). errors raised within handler use write_error method produce error pages. using same error handling both little complicated; here's basic scaffolding:

class basehandler(tornado.web.requesthandler):     def write_error(self, status_code, **kwargs):         if status_code == 404:             self.render("404.html")         else:             self.render("error.html")  class my404handler(basehandler):     def prepare(self):         raise tornado.web.httperror(404)  class mycustomhandler(basehandler):     def get(self):         if not self.valid_arguments():             raise tornado.web.httperror(400)  app = application([...], default_handler_class=my404handler) 


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