authentication - How to verify user ios sing in with google plus account ? server side -
i build login button in ios app . have followed documentation.
the login @ ios app work fine. , succeed receive auth object :
{accesstoken="***********", refreshtoken="*****", code="*******", expirationdate="2015-07-27 11:00:07 +0000"}
also succeed 1 time auth code
[gppsignin sharedinstance].homeserverauthorizationcode;
now should do. according document, should send homeserverauthorizationcode
server. exchange access token. doesn't mention how that.
i found article describe how access token . doesn't show how !
also after succeed retrieve token. how call google plus api. retrieve user profile example ?
first have install google client package in project
"google/apiclient": "^2.0.0@rc"
then ios authorized array, can find "server_code":"**********" . server code can new authenticate result (acees_token,refresh_token,expire etc) server side.please go through below code
$redirect_uri = 'http://******/gplusresponse'; $client = new google_client(); $client->setclientid('your_client_id'); $client->setclientsecret('your_client_secret'); $client->setredirecturi($redirect_uri); $client->setaccesstype("offline"); $client->setscopes(array( '', '' )); $token=$client->authenticate(your_server_code); print_r($token);
it display new token result array
{ "access_token": "*******************", "token_type": "bearer", "expires_in": 3600, "refresh_token": "***************", "id_token": "***************" }
now can verify user giving access token in url en point method get
the result displays authorized user profile.
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