ios - Style UIPageControl when using AlzheimerPageViewController -

there's documented bug in ios uipageviewcontroller transitionstyle: .scroll not track index due internal caching (on swipe, it'll skip index == 1). person kindly solved problem following gist:

question: how style uipagecontrol when using alzheimerpageviewcontroller rather uipageviewcontroller? following (swift) code works normal uipageviewcontroller, if put in appdelegate application/didfinishlaunchingwithoptions function, not apply alzheimerpageviewcontroller. goal style pagecontrol (aka dots) gray, on white background.

    let pagecontrol = uipagecontrol.appearance()     pagecontrol.pageindicatortintcolor = uicolor(nethex: 0xdddddd)     pagecontrol.currentpageindicatortintcolor = uicolor(nethex: 0x666666)     pagecontrol.backgroundcolor = uicolor.whitecolor() 

this how instantiate alzheimerpageviewcontroller in viewdidload():

    var pageviewcontroller = alzheimerpageviewcontroller(transitionstyle: .scroll, navigationorientation: .horizontal, options: nil)     var startvc = self.viewcontrolleratindex(0) creditcardcontentview     var viewcontrollers = nsarray(object: startvc)     // draw , set page view controller     self.pageviewcontroller.setviewcontrollers(viewcontrollers as! [uiviewcontroller], direction: .forward, animated: true, completion: nil)     self.pageviewcontroller.view.frame = cgrectmake(0, 20, self.view.frame.width, 235)     self.pageviewcontroller.datasource = self 

to clear, alzheimerpageviewcontroller works great , solves index/caching bug. trying figure out uipagecontrol.


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