computer vision - How to calculate the mean IU score in image segmentation? -

how compute mean iu (mean intersection on union) score in this paper?

long, jonathan, evan shelhamer, , trevor darrell. "fully convolutional networks semantic segmentation."

for each class intersection on union (iu) score is:

true positive / (true positive + false positive + false negative)

the mean iu average on classes.

regarding notation in paper:

  • n_cl : number of classes
  • t_i : total number of pixels in class i
  • n_ij : number of pixels of class i predicted belong class j. class i:

    • n_ii : number of correctly classified pixels (true positives)
    • n_ij : number of pixels wrongly classified (false positives)
    • n_ji : number of pixels wrongly not classifed (false negatives)

you can find matlab code compute directly in pascak devkit here


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