javascript - Fluid Packery Layout -

i posted yesterday there seemed confusion. posting again, , try clearer time around.

i big fan of wordpress theme: following reasons:

  1. it positions , scales content tiles fill browser window 100%
  2. when resizing browser window re-positions , re-scales these tiles still fills browser window 100%
  3. when resizing browser window, motion of tiles fluid. no gaps form between tiles, has nice action all. love.
  4. the tiles never smaller amount, 240px wide. once go smaller 240px, grid reshuffles tiles there less tiles in each row. (difficult explain this, play size of browser window , see mean)

the things doesn't work me theme:

  1. cannot display content tiles of varying sizes. key me want draw attention posts. specific, featured post tiles double width , height of regular post tiles.

so result have customised theme stripping out litho theme's javascript, renaming nodes , containers etc. , replacing packery libraries, position content tiles:

$(document).ready( function() {     var $container = $('#grid');     // init     $container.packery({         itemselector: '.grid-item',          columnwidth: 240,     }); }); 

however while allows me have content of different sizes, has lost fluid positioning.

is there way packery replicate same effect litho theme had?

i have looked around , closest have found this:

however not have exact same motion, lot more clunky , not aesthetically pleasing. there overlap between tiles, or gaps form between tiles.

i believe difference tiles rescaled first , repositioned once. whereas litho theme, rescale , reposition tiles @ same time, looks much nicer.

secondly there no minimum size tiles, when resizing browser window shrink.

(i understand these actions may different in different browsers, see on mac using safari, firefox , chrome)

so question is, there way can replicate litho theme's repositioning , rescaling action, using packery libraries? packery libraries allow this?



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